We are pleased to announce that “Exit the Bronx”, a novel written by Barry Singer, about coming of age in the mid-1960s during the Vietnam War, has been published, and is available for purchase at Amazon.com.

 Exit the Bronx is the tale of a young man drafted into the U.S. Army during the height of the Vietnam War and the social unrest that swept the globe during the mid-1960s.  Leaving his family for the first time, Bob Sievers, unworldly, is catapulted to Heidelberg Germany.

Among many international adventures, Bob and his friends visit East Berlin by walking across Checkpoint Charlie. There Bob experiences the vast difference between the East and the West.

Returning to the Bronx after all these experiences and new friendships, he is no longer the same person.  Bob then has to quickly decide where his future lies.

To learn more, or to purchase “Exit the Bronx”, clink the link below to the Amazon page.



 Barry Singer

West Windsor, New Jersey

February 1, 2022
